School for School Counselors Podcast

This podcast keeps me going
Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but this podcast keeps me motivated with fresh ideas that are *backed by research.* I think that’s what sets this podcast apart from the rest. I also love that this podcast is lighthearted and relatable, PLUS, Steph is still a practicing school counselor, so she truly gets it. I look forward to every episode. Thank you, SFSC!!

So Helpful!
I listen to this podcast on my way to work each morning. It’s a quick and easy way to prepare for the day and to get motivated!

Needed this
I have been looking for a podcast to guide me through my education and career and I found it! ❤️

Energizing Podcast!
I am an experienced teacher and new school counselor intern. This podcast is immensely refreshing! It helps clarify our role, gives guidance and suggestions. I am always feeling empowered after listening.

Podcasts make my commute productive!
I enjoy learning new methods and ways to better myself as a school counselor! Great podcast

The friendly, knowledgeable and honest mentor
As a brand new school counselor finding this podcast has been a blessing. I love the honesty, the wealth of expertise and support in every single episode. Each episode not only provides me with valuable information on how to best do my job effectively and efficiently but also let’s me feel seen and heard. So often we feel like if we aren’t doing all of things all of time, we aren’t successful. As a new counselor I doubt myself so much but listening to this podcast, I am reminding that I am doing my best and giving my whole self to my work and that’s enough. Thank you for this podcast!

As a school counselor candidate this podcast is super helpful! It gives me a great insight on what I should expect once I am in the field. I will forever be a listener!

Awesome podcast!
All school counselors should listen- gives me that extra push on hard days. Great topics and great information!

Informative podcast
This podcast is very informative & motivating. As a school counselor, I am encouraged to take pride in the small successes that I’m able to accomplish with my students.

So needed!!!
I’m a veteran school counselor who has needed these words of wisdom, validation and encouragement all of my career! I’m so thankful newer school counselors have this resource to go to so they can feel more confident and equipped to handle our very important job! This podcast is the real life of a school counselor and I thank Stephanie for building up our profession in such a positive way!

So Uplifting!
The first episode I listened to made me cry. It was like someone was finally putting my thoughts and feelings about my career into words and validating it for me. School counseling can be such a lonely field, and I highly recommend this podcast for all school counselors to help them realize that they are not alone.

Where was this when I started?!
I wish this podcast had been around when I became a school counselor over 10 years ago. While I loved my grad program, there is so much you can’t possibly learn until you’re in it. This podcast is helpful to veterans and newbies alike. I appreciate the honest & practical advice. I look forward to many more episodes!

Love this podcast!
I found this podcast this summer as I searched for resources to re-energize my career. This podcast and related resources from Steph have been a positive force in my return from summer. I love that I can listen and get ideas and inspiration during my commute. It’s a fantastic blend of reality and encouragement that clearly comes through. Helps me look forward to Mondays!

Tracy G.
This is probably the most encouraging podcast on school counseling I’ve heard. I feel less overwhelmed when I listen to it because I feel supported as a school counselor. I love the way it helps me put things into a more relatable perspective. Thank you for sharing your gifts of encouragement and teaching! Blessings!

From school counseling student
Hi - I’ve just completed my first year of a three year online School Counseling program. While I love it, and am learning a lot, one thing missing from an online forum is not hearing someone actually talk about the role and use the terminology etc. Listening to the podcast brings the things I'm learning on paper (I still use textbooks!) into the real world! Thanks for the work you are doing for school counselors and for those of us who will join you in the future! - Dale R.

Game changer!
Let me start off by saying I’m not a huge fan of podcasts. If I do listen to a podcast it has to be a very specific top on one of my few interests and the podcaster’s voice has to have a certain level of ASMR to it or I lose interest. Because I am very picky I was only subscribed to one podcast before this. I can listen to the School for School Counselors podcast for hours and hours because it’s so relaxing! Not only that but the information is realistic. Yeah, I know ASCA says this and that but they aren’t advocating for change their just hoping we will speak up and do the work on their behalf. It’s not real! It’s not what’s happening right now! Right now I have to do things I don’t necessarily want to (because ASCA doesn’t REALLY advocate for us)but do because I need to work and I love my students. So, are we supposed to do 504 coordination? No! Yet so many counselors are tasked with 504 coordination. ASCA tells us not to do 504s but do you think telling a principal that because ASCA tells us not to do something they are going to say “okay, you sure showed me!” Change takes time and this podcast acknowledges that. It’s also realistic in the sense that the information isn’t being presented to show off how good someone is. Let’s face it, so many counseling groups and group admins are giving bad information because they think it makes them look smart and people will need them. Even the more popular group admins that seem like they are being helpful are just in it for the money and don’t care if their information is accurate (and you know who you are.) The information in the School for School Counselors podcast is reliable, relatable, and realistic to implement. I give this podcast five stars and truly I don’t know who would give it any less than that because this podcast is IT. Also, I think the world needs to know that if ASCA got replaced with School for School Counselors we would all be better off. I know that’s a tough opinion but I 100 percent feel that way and I’m not sorry about it. Thank you to the School for School Counselor’s team for giving us this podcast. It is a treasure. 💃🏽 and yes this emoji is how I feel after I listen to this podcast.

I could not LOVE this more! I am in my 15th year of school counseling, and everything that you talk about is so true. I like how you point out the issues in school counseling but also advocate for change. This podcast has helped inspire me for the upcoming school year. I can’t wait to hear the Best Year Ever workshop!

Much Needed
This podcast is much needed for us school counselors. I appreciate how Steph talks about topics that need to be brought to light and helps to encourage us. Thank you and keep doing what your doing!!!!

S4SC is the best!
When I heard that this awesome group was going to do podcasts, I couldn’t wait to hear the topics to be discussed. They have so many real life school counselor examples to show how this job really operates!! Thank you for being so transparent!!

Real life for school counselors
Thank you for speaking the truth about what we do on the daily. It’s nice to know I’m not alone! Looking forward to more episodes!

Episode 3
Absolutely hit the mark on this one!!! Everything I needed to hear and more! I will be listening to this one a few more times just so it can sink in—so honest yet encouraging. Thank you, Steph!!

Great to start off a career!
I’m going to be starting my first year as a high school counselor in the fall. This is the perfect podcast to guide me in starting my year off with less anxiety and fear. Thank you!

Loving this!
Listened to the first 3 episodes on my way back from vacation. This is recharging my battery and making me think about all the things to come this school year!

Relevant and Realistic
Aspirations are great. Reality is even better. Thanks for being the bridge!

Great start!
I’m excited to hear more from you! Much of what you said resonated with me! Congratulations on taking the leap to Podcasts!

This is amazing! Thank you so much!

Thank you!
I really enjoyed your episode about burnout! You took the words right out of my own mouth and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one dealing with these feelings!

Very relatable
This is a great podcast with a lot of great information. I look forward to more episodes in the future.

Love this! Steph and the team are so relatable and good for the soul! I am a new counselor, I am learning so much, and it is helping me to be a better counselor! Give it a listen!!

Love this!!
I have been waiting a long time for the podcast!! Thank you Steph and team for putting this together!